Yarde’s Trainer on Buatsi-Azeez: A Fight With Either One Would Be Massive Domestic Dust-Up

Tunde Ajayi, who trains and manages light heavyweight contender Anthony Yarde, explains that his boxer will be keeping a close eye on the upcoming domestic showdown between Joshua Buatsi and Dan Azeez, which takes place on February 3.

A potential fight between Yarde and Buatsi has been discussed for the last few years.

“Those two names have been linked for so long,” Ajayi said to Sky Sports. “It was weird – you have someone who’s an Olympic darling, a bronze medalist, massive pedigree being aligned to someone who’d had 12 amateur fights [before turning pro].

“At that time most people wouldn’t have even given it a contest. Most people would say there’s no way AY could beat JB. But I think history ultimately rights everything and I think people have seen Anthony’s been the fighter that’s stepped up to world level twice, even though he’s had less experience.

“People talk about experience, Anthony’s got it now. For Anthony, he’s said it here, what better time to make the fight. He even went so far to say [to Buatsi] I’m calling you out on your platform. It’s all exciting.”

Ajayi would issue a lot of caution to anyone overlooking Azeez, who the trainer views as a very live dog in the fight.

Of course, he doesn’t deny that Buatsi is the bigger scenario and has the public demand behind it.

“Because so many people are talking about Buatsi and Yarde some may be overlooking Dan. You can’t measure passion, desire and determination and we know that’s what Dan brings to the table. So that’s going to be a very interesting fight,” Ayaji said.

“I think a fight with either one of them would be a massive – not to say they’re not world class – domestic dust-up [for Yarde]. But the one everyone wants to see is Joshua Buatsi and the one who wants to see it more than anyone is Anthony Yarde.”

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