Tevin Farmer Views a Fight Against Shakur Stevenson As A Chess Match

Add Tevin Farmer’s name to the long list of fans, media members, pundits, and fighters who believe Shakur Stevenson is an unbelievable talent.

From the way Stevenson slyly moves his jaw just inches away from an incoming shot, to his perfect judgment of distance, Farmer is impressed with everything the 26-year-old does in that ring.

“Shakur’s a helluva fighter,” Farmer told BoxingScene.com during a recent interview. “The motherf——- can box really good, IQ on 100.”

In all likelihood, considering that Stevenson (20-0, 10 KOs) is someone he reveres, Farmer will make sure he watches his latest performance. On November 16th, in Las Vegas, Nevada, all eyes will be on the Jersey native as Edwin De Los Santos comes to town.

He’s rough, rugged, has a ton of skills, and a propensity for knockouts but practically no one is expecting De Los Santos to get the job done. 

Farmer (32-5-1, 7 KOs) doesn’t want to come across as flippant, but he would be wholeheartedly surprised if Stevenson didn’t cruise to the finish line.

When you’re as gifted as much as he is, finding an opponent that can test him is never easy. Farmer, however, believes he’s one of the rare boxers in the world that has what it takes to fight Stevenson on even terms.

Following a three and a half year hiatus, Farmer has looked sharp in his two comeback fights. He’s also planning a third return trip in December. The goal is to get back to his championship form. Once he’s feeling like his old self, Farmer would love to jump into the ring with a fighter he considers a savant and one of the best in the world.

“I think me and Shakur would be a helluva fight to be honest. Me and Shakur would be a f——— chess match.”

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