Tevin Farmer: “I Have A Hit List, Joe Cordina Is My Number One Target”

Tevin Farmer went from being known as one of the more active fighters around, to disappearing out of seemingly nowhere. Yet, after spending over three years on the sidelines, the 33-year-old was finally able to get back in the mix in 2023.

They weren’t world beaters or even recognizable names but Farmer managed to get the rust off by picking up two wins against Avery Sparrow and Oscar Barajas. With them out of the way, Farmer is hoping to move on to bigger and better things.

In terms of who he wants next, Farmer isn’t short on options. The 130-pound division has a ton of talented fighters associated with it, and Farmer simply wants to share the ring with all of the top dogs.

Making the final decision is out of his hands. But, if Farmer had the final say on who he would take on, a certain IBF champion from halfway across the world would be his preferred choice.

“I got a hit list,” Farmer told Seconds Out. “Of course, Joe Cordina is the number one guy.”

It isn’t anything against Cordina but Farmer believes the IBF title that currently sits on his shoulders should still be in his possession. Before taking his leave of absence, Farmer took on Joseph Diaz. For the first time in a long time, Farmer came up short, losing a close but clear decision.

Farmer did his best to invoke his immediate rematch clause but due to a bevy of reasons, it never took place. That title that Farmer once held has been a hot potato. Diaz held it, then it became vacant, then Kenichi Ogawa held it transiently before Cordina grabbed it. 

Farmer has never met Cordina. He doesn’t know his character and has never had a conversation with him. Still, with that said, until they get into the ring, Farmer will always have an issue with him.

“The IBF that he now has, I feel like it’s supposed to be mine.”

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