Tevin Farmer Convinced He’ll Ruin Floyd Schofield

It’s important to have the right team behind you. Of course, the ancillary pieces are vital as well. A fighter’s work ethic, their habits outside of the ring, and naturally, their talent, all play gigantic roles. But, as previously mentioned, those who are guiding said fighters’ career have an obligation to put them in the best position possible.

Now that can mean a few different things. Matchmaking and knowing when to place a talented fighter in the ring with someone can often shape their future. Up until this point, Tevin Farmer believes that Floyd Schofield Jr. has been led perfectly.

It’s been a gradual progression for the 21-year-old. And while everything has been going according to plan, his hype train could quickly be thrown off the tracks if Farmer’s name continues to be mentioned.

Recently, both Schofield Jr. and Schofield Sr. stated that they would love to get into the ring with Farmer. There was no animosity or trash talk used. Team Schofield is simply hoping to face off against a former champion the caliber of Farmer.

Now 33, Farmer is somewhat flattered that the Schofield’s are looking to line up a fight against him. That said, if they do square off in the near future, Farmer is convinced that Schofield Jr.’s team doesn’t care much about his future.

“Don’t mess that boy’s career up like that,” said Farmer to Tha Boxing Voice. “Trust me.”

For Farmer, it’s all about activity. Before taking roughly three and a half years off, the Philly native fought frequently. Most recently, he ended his protracted stint on the bench by picking up a close win against Avery Sparrow.

In true Farmer fashion, he now has his next two dates lined up. The first will come at the end of September, while the second is pegged for a December 1st, show. The plan is to knock off the rust and eventually fight for a world title by the end of 2024.

To a certain extent, Farmer believes that he’s at the top of his game while Schofield Jr. still has work to do. If the 21-year-old and his team insist on keeping Farmer’s name on their lips, he’ll entertain the possibility of fighting him. The final outcome, however, could alter Schofield Jr.’s time in the pros for good.

“It wouldn’t be fair, they would mess that boy career up early.”

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