Mayer on Baumgardner’s Response To Failed Drug Test: She’s Tweeting the Craziest Things; Needs To Be Taking It Seriously

Mikaela Mayer thinks Alycia Baumgardner could learn a thing or two about crisis PR management.

It was announced last month that Baumgardner, the undisputed junior lightweight champion, had tested positive for two banned performance-enhancing drugs in the lead-up to her July 15 bout against Christina Linardatou. Baumgardner has continually sworn that she is innocent. In a statement, Baumgardner insisted that her two test results produced immediately after her July 15 bout came back negative.

In a recent interview, Mayer, of Los Angeles, took issue with the way Baumgardner has comported herself in the wake of the revelation of her positive drug test. Contrary to custom, the Ohio native has not remained silent on social media, electing instead to publish posts—often haughty in tone—conveying her doubt regarding the drug protocols. The test, which reportedly found mesterolone and methenolone acetate metabolites in Baumgardner’s body, was administered by Drug Free Sport, a voluntary third-party agency.

“I’m sure everyone was expecting me to come out and say a whole bunch of stuff (about Baumgardner)—and I did want to … there was plenty that I had to say,” Mayer said on The Boxing With Chris Mannix podcast. “But I decided to bite my tongue. My coaches were wanting me to sort of wait it out and stay quiet. Because everybody was expecting me to jump on. …They thought it was best if I stayed quiet a little while and see how things unfolded.

“This isn’t helping the sport, this is damaging the sport. I think it’s something she needs to address a lot more professionally as well. She’s on Twitter tweeting the craziest things. Someone get her a publicist asap. I mean, it’s very disrespectful to the sport and she’s coming off very delusional and narcissistic. Because she should be very concerned. She should be very worried. This is a big deal and she needs to be taking it seriously so that was my approach.”

Sean Nam is the author of Murder on Federal Street: Tyrone Everett, the Black Mafia, and the Last Golden Age of Philadelphia Boxing.

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