Malignaggi DOUBTS Mayweather has patience to be trainer ⋆ Boxing News 24

By Allan Fox: Paulie Malignaggi has serious doubts about whether Floyd Mayweather Jr. will pan out as a trainer.

Malignaggi says Mayweather doesn’t have the patience and he won’t be consistent. Mayweather starts traveling for months on end, what happens to the fighters he’s training? Does Mayweather take them with him on his travels or does he leave them with someone else?

There are a lot of really, really bad trainers, and many of them don’t last in the sport. Mayweather, with huge wealth, may find it incredibly boring to be couped up in a sweaty gym six to seven days a week, trying to pass on his knowledge to young prospects.

Mayweather enjoys traveling, buying things and living well. He quickly get bored with being a trainer and feel like he’s trapped. While Mayweather has spent a lot of time in the gym during his pro and amateur boxing career, he wasn’t there all the time. He would train for fights, and in between wouldn’t be stuck in a gym every day.

Mayweather lacks the patience to be a good trainer

“Coming back to professional boxing as a trainer? I think Floyd has a vast amount of knowledge that he can share with any fighter in the world,” said Malignaggi to IFL TV. “The times that I’ve sat down with him and talked about tactics.

“He’s got an incredibly brilliant mind, but I’m not sure that he has the patience to be a trainer, you know? The expectations of perfection that Floyd has of you compared to what many fighters can give may lead to frustration that he’s not used to seeing in his own ability when he’s training,” said Malignaggi.

Mayweather probably should have waited a year or so before making an announcement that he’s become a trainer.

At least by waiting until he was absolutely certain that he liked training, he wouldn’t be viewed as a quitter if he decided he didn’t like the job.

It’s not that Mayweather doesn’t possess the knowledge to pass on to young fighters. It’s that he won’t have the patience to deal with fighters that aren’t able to grasp the things that he’s teaching them.

Floyd Mayweather Jr Paulie Malignaggi

Floyd won’t be consistent in training – Malignaggi

“So I’m not sure. I guess it would be interesting,” said Malignaggi continued in discussing the idea of Mayweather being a trainer. “I would have a hard believing that too. And I have a hard time believing Floyd will train people and be consistent.

“I think in certain moments, yes. He likes to speak and give you a tip or two or something like that. But I think it’s another one of those things where a guy that is smarter than everybody else knows he’s going to get a big reaction by saying something like that. Just like what Dana [White] said about the Island.

“I think Floyd did the same thing with this,” said Malignaggi about Mayweather saying he’s going to become a trainer. “I don’t see Floyd as being a trainer. It’s not that he doesn’t have the knowledge. I don’t think he’s got the time or the patience for that,” said Malignaggi.

Not having the patience would make Mayweather a terrible trainer. If he starts lecturing fighters that aren’t able to do the things that he did in training, it could be frustrating. If Mayweather doesn’t have the patience and or the commitment to do the job as a trainer, then he shouldn’t even attempt to do it.

Every attempt that Mayweather makes to try and reach his skills to less talented fighters could just lead to nowhere. With Mayweather’s money, he would be better off hiring great trainers to train his fighters in his stable.


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