Daily Bread Mailbag: Romero-Barroso, Haney-Loma, Charlo, Canelo-Bivol, More

The Daily Bread Mailbag returns with Stephen “Breadman” Edwards tackling topics such as the recent Romero vs. Barroso controversy, former heavyweight champion Hasim Rahman, Devin Haney vs. Vasiliy Lomachenko, Canelo vs. Dmitry Bivol, and more. 

Sup Bread,

I wanted your opinion on the Rolly Romero v Ismael Barroso stoppage and how it affects the reputation boxing already has as being corrupt? Rolly was obviously the A side yet down on all 3 scorecards at the time of the stoppage by Tony Weeks. I saw Barroso land a punch and Rolly miss shots and inexplicably the ref jumped in and stopped the fight. As a trainer, would you be in a favor of the corner being able to essentially challenge “questionable stoppages” and a second ringside ref being able to quickly review and over turn the call? I doubt that Barroso gets another shot at such a high pro profile fight and it’s a shame that bad calls literally can alter the career of fighters similar to what Richard Steele’s call derailed Meldrick Taylor’s career for example. I think Lomachenko is live vs Haney simply because sometimes great fighters have one more great fight left in them even thought they have slipped a bit. (ie , Leonard v Hagler, Duran v Barkley) Lima also knows this is his last chance to be viewed as P4P great and undisputed at that weight. What is your view on Loma’s chances? Do you have a favorite boxing movie?

Finally, how do you view Hasim Rahman’s career? He did beat a peak Lennox Lewis but no one ever seems to mention him as top heavyweight. He did suffer some bad losses toward the end of his prime but to good completion (Tua, Maskaev, Holyfield , Klitschko, etc) Could he be competitive and a champ in this era?

Take Care, Aaron from Cleveland

Bread’s Response: I thought the stoppage in the Romero vs Barroso fight was too soon. I thought it was bad judgment. That type of stoppage is a typical A side stoppage in which an A side fighter is losing or having his hands full then as soon as an OPPURTUNITY comes to give him the fight, the chance is taken. 

I know everyone can make mistakes. Anyone can forget. The other day, I misjudged how much battery I had in my EV and after my daughter’s doctor’s appointment, I had to find a fast charging station asap or I wouldn’t have made it home. I get that. We are humans and referees have a tough job. But when these calls are predictable. And when they overwhelmingly go against the B side fighter, then we can’t look at it as a just a mistake anymore. Because a mistake shouldn’t be predictable. Mistakes should be random.  

I think Tony Weeks has been one of the better referees of this generation. I don’t know what happened or what he was thinking. I think he should have to explain his actions. I’m guessing he anticipated the big punching Rolly was about to hurt Barroso. There was a slight moment where Rolly looked like he was coming on. But that wasn’t enough in my opinion to stop a fight. This is boxing and fighters should have to earn their stoppages. We can’t be too squeamish in this sport. Safety is one thing but we can’t change the sport in terms of level of conclusiveness to score stoppages. That stoppage wasn’t enough and we all know what we signed up for. 

Every time a fighter gets hurt, doesn’t mean he will get stopped. Sometimes he can fight his way out of it. Sometimes the other fighter doesn’t know how to finish properly. Sometimes he himself runs into a big shot. 

However, I don’t think the corner should be able overturn a call and continue the fight. Because the adrenaline will drop and neither fighter will be the same if the fight continues after a review, it would be too chaotic. But I do think a board should be able to review and OVERTURN the bad stoppages, and turn them into No Contest and order immediate rematches. 

I also think the referees/officials have to be reprimanded. Barraso’s career has most likely been ruined. And that’s the part that we can quantify. 

I think Loma is already a HOF. Already a great fighter. Out of the fighters who have won the 126, 130 and 135 trifecta he is among the best. Just think about those guys, Marquez, Morales etc, Loma is in their league. Beating Devin Haney would elevate him in my opinion. Beating Haney would make him a solid ATG fighter. It would be one of the best wins of recent memory. A 35 year old ex champion beating a super talented fighter over a decade younger, who’s bigger, and longer. I can’t think of many wins this good off the top of my head. It’s not quite Ali over Foreman. But it’s on the level of Duran vs Moore. 

I think the fight is 60/40 in Haney’s favor. My favorite boxing movie is the Rocky and Creed series. Hasim Rahman won his world title vs a legitimate ATG fighter in Lennox Lewis after Lewis’s best career year in 2000. It wasn’t a lucky punch. It was his night. Rahman was a solid fighter and was legitimate world champion. 

Hey Bread, if Loma beats Haney and retires how great is he? If he beats Stevenson as well (don’t think he would) how great would he be? Something tells me that if Haney is tight at the weight and Loma can get to the body he can stop him. Loma has been in with people closer to Haney than Haney has closer to Loma. Given everything that has happened in Ukraine and how this is probably his last shot, Lomas WILL can’t be underestimated. What do you think?

All the best, Sam

Bread’s Response: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Loma is the underdog vs Haney for a reason. If he wins the fight it would be one of the more significant victories of the last decade or so and he would elevate himself to ATG status.

Loma’s determination and toughness are very underestimated. He’s not only a supremely skilled fighter. He’s a dog. He’s a savage. He’s a deep water shark. He’s very durable. Loma has much more the inside than people give him credit for.

Hey Mr Edwards,

The undisputed lightweight champion is in action this weekend. The fight as I see it is more about how much Loma has lost than what Devin has gained. Loma has not really been able to impose himself at 135 and the inactivity has likely hurt him more than he cares to admit. Still, I think Loma is a harder puncher than Devin and, while he may have lost a step or two, the last thing a boxer loses is his power. The more I look at it, this fight is not the walk in the park for Devin that a lot of people seem to believe it is.

For me, Devin has not added any layers to his game over the last few years and he’s basically still the same fighter he was coming up. I know that styles make fights but I liked Loma’s performance in the Jorge Linares fight better than Devin’s performance against the same opponent. Sure, Linares put Loma down but, although he remained on his feet, I believe Linares hurt Devin more than he hurt Loma. In fact, Loma was more embarrassed than hurt. I think the fight is a lot closer than most people think and I believe Devin will get off the floor to win a close and controversial decision. Despite his bravado, I just can’t see Devin stopping Loma.

In fact, if there is an unlikely stoppage, Loma and not Devin, and will have his hand raised. Loma is far more capable of changing things up more than Devin who can be painfully one-dimensional. What do you think Mr Edwards?Lastly, whatever happened to Ricardo Sandoval? Did he make a recovery from the Gaby Canizalez fight or was his career effectively ended? Aside from that near-fatal fight, could Sandoval have gone on to achieve anything?

MM – I think I once asked you about Orlando Canizalez and Monster Inuoe but I don’t think I received an answer. I just think Orlando was better at setting traps and could walk the Monster into something.

Bread’s Response: I don’t like to compare Loma vs Linares and Haney vs Linares. They fought Linares at different stages of his career. A Haney fan can say he wasn’t dropped. A Loma fan can say he got the ko. It really depends on who you are more of a fan of. I feel like Loma was special the night he fought Linares as was Linares, but I think that fight took something from Loma. He hasn’t looked quite exactly like that since. Sometimes in history we look back on certain nights in comparison. With Pacquaio it was the Margarito fight. With Frazier it was the 1st Ali fight. With Loma it was the Linares fight.

Devin doesn’t have the variety that Loma has but he may not need it. Sometimes keeping it simple works best because his mind isn’t cluttered with multiple things to do. Nasim Richardson once told me that he didn’t mind one dimensional fighters because they know exactly where to go in their tool box. Sometimes fighters who all more all around, choose the wrong weapon because they have so many choices. I found his comment interesting and true. For the record I’m not calling Haney one dimensional but he is jab dominant.

The keys to victory are simple. Devin has to put a commanding jab on Loma. Keep Loma in front of him and control his aggression. Simply score points and don’t fall into the trap trying to impress the crowd and critics. Just score points. 

Loma has to make Devin work from round 1. He can’t wait too long to cook. He has to get to the SIDE of Devin. He has to get to Devin’s body and force exchanges. He can’t just accept that a jab with control him. Loma has to be more determined than he has ever been. 

Richie Sandoval stopped the reign of one of the best fighters in the history of Philadelphia. Jeff Chandler. Sandoval never fought again after the Canizales fight despite it being his only career loss.. He was relatively young and that was his last career fight. Very unfortunate.

Hi Stephen,

Big fan of your mailbag. A quick question. I am really hoping that Loma would be able to somehow pull off a miracle and upset Haney on the 20th.Which made me thinking, what are the best stories you know of the aging fighters upsetting young lions? Manny VS Thurman is a good recent one, but I am sure there must be many more.



Bread’s Response: Manny vs Thurman is the best recent case. Upsets….let’s see. Duran has two in Barkley and Moore. Ali has one over Foreman. Hearns has one over Hill. Hopkins has one over Pavlik. It’s very rare in boxing for an ageing champion to win this kind of fight as an underdog. I thought of Floyd vs Canelo but Floyd was the favorite. In terms of upsets in this scenario it’s rare. As I type Simon Brown over Terry Norris was huge. If Loma pulls this off he would be in rare company.

Hello, Breadman.

The stoppage by referee Tony Weeks that gifted Rolly Romero a 140 lb world title was disgusting and as a fan of the sport, extremely upsetting. If you closely watch the body language of Weeks, he was looking for any excuse to stop the fight in favor of the A side. I also found Al Bernstein’s comment after Barroso knocked Romero down, “That’s a happy 40-year-old!” to be highly inappropriate. Discussing age as a tangible factor in the potential outcome of a fight is one thing; to attempt to make humorous statements about a person’s age is another.  Last week, the president of the WBC went to the ring in the middle of a fight, got directly involved, and had the score of a round changed by overruling a knockdown. (The commentators all said they had never seen something like this before.) It’s becoming increasingly difficult to say the sport of boxing is not corrupt, particularly when Weeks and the Nevada Commission are under no obligation to explain themselves. What are your thoughts on these occurrences?


Bread’s Response: I didn’t hear Al Bernstein’s comments. I didn’t see what the WBC official did. But I did see Week’s stoppage. I didn’t like it. My thoughts on the stoppage was it was a poor stoppage but it was predictable in terms of who it would happen to. It would not have happened to Rolly if it was him hurt in that same exact situation. That’s the disturbing part. Sometimes the officials act on what they expect to be happening instead of what is actually happening. And that’s an issue for me.

I saw when Richard Steele was LOOKING for a reason to stop the Chavez vs Taylor fight. You can tell that look…And again it’s usually A side favoritism. As we saw in Tyson vs Ruddock II. 

There is a current referee who is ALWAYS looking to stop fights. I won’t say his name because he has been assigned to a few of my fights. People think he’s good but he isn’t. He’s too squeamish and he’s always in the way. He’s always trying to stop a fight for the A side. He’s too involved.

When the public knows a referee. When the fans and spectators are overly familiar with a referee that’s not actually a good thing because that means he has interjected himself in a way where most likely it was controversial. A good referee is one only the boxing people know. And I’m NOT talking about Tony Weeks. I always thought he was good, this stoppage surprised me.

Tony Weeks was the referee in Corrales vs Castillo!. If he stops that fight, we don’t get the classic. He handled Corrales spitting out his mouthpiece the best he could. He kept the action flowing until Castillo was helpless. He also let Badou Jack navigate through a nasty cut. Weeks even did one of our fights. Julian Williams vs Nathaniel Gallimore. Williams had Gallimore hurt bad in the 11th round. Williams tried to flurry to get a stoppage and Weeks wasn’t buying it he wanted Williams to earn it and even though it would have benefitted me I was in agreement with Weeks. I told Williams he needs to EARN a stoppage. So the Barroso stoppage was really puzzling to me.  

Boxing needs a BOARD of independent OBJECTIVE arbitrators to fix this sport. We get the same refs and judges for most of the big events. I have a list of the poor officials and reasons why I feel they are poor yet they always get the calls. I won’t say who the bad ones are because again they may get assigned to me. But everyone knows who they are. It’s the talk around the lobbies at the fight hotels among the trainers and managers. Yet still they keep getting work…..that’s the issue.

Has the boxing world ever seen a fighter gifted championship belts the way Rolly Romero has been gifted championship belts? Almost three years ago, Jackson Marinez completely outclassed Romero in an interim title fight. Somehow, the judges handed Romero a championship with their atrocious scorecards.

On Saturday, Ismael Barroso kicked the tar out of Romero. Barroso barely lost a second of the fight and knocked Romero down. Yet, Romero was gifted another title when Tony Weeks made up a knockdown and stopped the fight on Barroso for no reason. I know there have been plenty of robberies in boxing history. That being said, I cannot think of a fighter (outside of the mafia-controlled boxing era) who has benefitted so much from the incompetence or corruption of officials. Romero should be a 13-3 journeyman, well on his way to irrelevance, with no championships on his resume. Yet somehow, he can claim to be a two division champion who has been a part of a highly successful pay-per-view show. It makes me sick to my stomach. I wonder if you have a similar feeling in your gut. Thank you for all you do!

Bread’s Response: I am not emotionally invested in the situation but I feel for Barroso. He’s 40 and this is probably his last chance. As for Rolly I’m not down on him or mad at him, it’s not his fault that he was the A side. I think he has power, and he oozes with charisma. He has an IT factor that you can’t teach. So while others may be better fighters, he has something they don’t. I don’t think Romero is a bum. I think he’s raw. But he’s dog strong. He has reflexes. He’s twitchy. And his unorthodox style works for him. Rolly did better vs Tank than most of Tank’s opponents. Take out the last punch of the fight and watch that fight through objective lenses. 

Rolly’s progression has probably been rushed a little bit but it’s too late now. He can’t go back at this point. He’s already a 7 figure fighter. He has to get his development in the gym. I know there are managers and trainers who wish “their” guy had Rolly’s treatment. They feel like they have better fighters who have been matched harder and not got the breaks. I personally have 3 kids I train in Kyrone Davis, Zach Ochoa and Romuel Cruz who are as good as Rolly in my opinion. But it’s more to boxing than being good. This is a business and I understand that. Rolly is very marketable. He’s like a WWE character that happens to box. And he can PUNCH. I’m not telling you how to feel but I just want you to understand that’s it’s more to boxing than skill and talent. 

Hello Breadman,                

I pray that God is continuing to bless you and your family. Haney and Loma is an interesting fight. I just watched Loma ‘s last couple of fights which I hadn’t seen before and realize he isn’t fighting on the level he was before so I expect Haney to win. The best version of Loma would win but I don’t know if he can muster up that type of effort anymore. He does good against stylists and tall, lanky fighters and seems to have problems with pressure fighters like Salido and Lopez. Haney looks like a middleweight standing next to him and unlike Rolly and Garcia who didn’t utilize their height against Tank because of their ego and got caught. Haney I believe is going to jab and stay away and I don’t know if Loma has it in him to track him down unless he can recapture who he used to be. Sometimes youth must be served and sometimes youth gets served.

I think Haney’s youth will help him a lot in this fight especially with the endurance aspect of it. Haney by decision. Bivol did a real gangster move by challenging Canelo at 168 because it makes Canelo look bad and takes away his excuses of weight being the reason he lost especially after he proved he could fight at the weight  by beating Kovalev.  Canelo doesn’t want to lose all of those belts either. Canelo doesn’t want to fight Benavidez because if he loses that fight he loses the belts and can’t even be called the best Mexican fighter. You are right the best fight for him is Charlo especially because of the2 yr layoff with Charlo. We will see. The fight game is getting interesting again. Thank you for the phenomenal job you do and if you weren’t around I don’t know if I would still be a boxing fan because I’m able to know what’s going on because of your great mailbags. Thanks again and thanks to all the great fans who write into you. They are very knowledgeable and interesting.

God bless and take care,                                                                                                                          

Blood and Guts from Philly

Bread’s Response: Thank you brother I am glad I am able to make your Saturday mornings. I have noticed a drop off in Loma’s performances the same way I did Manny’s. Loma stopped scoring kos just like Manny did. Because their kos come from volume and quickness when they lose a slight step, the same fights that used to end in stoppages, end in decisions. 

I agree with you on Haney’s youth. It’s also the distance and how hard Loma will have to work to get to him. Loma may be fatigued down the stretch because of how much energy he needs. When Manny fought Floyd I thought Floyd would win. My explanation was simple. Manny’s window to beat Floyd was shorter than Floyd’s to beat him because Floyd’s style lasted longer. It’s why Duran was able to beat Leonard in the 1st fight. But in the 2nd and 3rd he couldn’t because he needs max energy and quickness to overcome the length and speed. People say Floyd would have always beaten Manny. Maybe…. but we will never know because their skills and talents are so high, that slight slippage means a lot. Manny had to be at his peak to beat Floyd. Floyd doesn’t have to be at his peak to beat Manny. 

Going by the 2nd and 3rd Leonard vs Duran fight, you can say Leonard would have always won if you don’t see the 1st fight. But boxing doesn’t work that way. Frazier was able to beat Ali once. In the 1st fight when he was at his APEX. He lost the 2nd and was stopped in the 3rd. You see where I’m going. In order to beat Haney in my opinion this would have to be the Loma of 2015-18. Not the Loma of 2023. If Loma pulls this fight off, it would be monumental. I can’t think of another case in history where a fighter of Loma’s size and dimensions was able to beat a fighter of Haney’s size, age and dimensions. Haney is 11 years younger than Loma, longer, just as fast or faster and with a lot less wear and tear. This is a very tough fight for Loma.

Bivol was in a performance slump. Then he got his mojo back vs Canelo. Bivol just knows that Canelo can’t deal with him. He may stop Canelo if they fight again. He’s so confident. Canelo is a gangster also. But you’re right. Canelo is smart and he’s a businessman. If he loses his leverage at 168…..Canelo knows he can fight Edgar Berlanga for huge money at 168. He can also fight smaller guys moving up like the Charlo Brothers and even the winner of Spence vs Crawford at a catchweight with all of the belts on the line. 

At this point I don’t think he wants to deal with Benavidez’s pressure and volume. I don’t think he’s scared of him. I just think Benavidez is too young and vibrant and Canelo can’t take losing to a Mexican. It’s a duck but Canelo is a legend and great fighter. Canelo has fought just about everyone for over a decade. But Benavidez is a hard days work and Canelo knows it. Sometimes it’s just how it is. I’m curious to see if the WBC will strip Canelo because Benavidez has been breathing down his neck and he has earned the right to fight him. I’m curious to see what Canelo will do next. If he fights Bivol, I will give him his props. Again. Canelo is a GUN, despite not wanting the Benavidez work. When you have done what Canelo has in boxing, a few misses here and there aren’t so bad. He doesn’t have many.

Greetings Mr Edwards!

I read your last mail you seemed positive that we’re going to have a glimpse of Spence vs Crawford this year, as much as I like to witness that fight but I believe it’s going to go down the wire to who had the greatest training camp and who will be mentally fit, I don’t see Crawford winning on points though he can only get a stoppage, I believe Spence will be out for too long if they fight and that might be a problem against and elite p4p fighter. I don’t see that much of talent in Ryan Garcia and Dolly I just believe they’re well marketed but their fight can generate a lot in ppv. What do you think with Tony’s decision in stopping the fight between Rolly and Barroso? Was PBC involved as many are stating? I have just read that Andy Cruz will train along side Jason Ennis and by that I just think he’s going to be tough for every 135lb and 140lbs I see him giving Shakur a run for his money down there line. I see a lot of people criticizing coaches but for me my take is different a coach can contribute only 30% of a fighter’s performance during a fight for instance Ryan didn’t listen to Goosen in his fight against Tank, by that I agree with you that Ryan needs a trainer he’s going to respect and listen too since that’s his problem as Eddy Reynoso has stated that Ryan is more concerned about the camera more than boxing. I think Boots must face Barrios or Ugas that will be good for his resume. Who do you think Joshua must face next? How will a fight between Caleb Plant vs Saunders turns out?? 

Bread’s Response: I disagree. Both guys can win on points. But my instincts tell me Crawford is the puncher in the fight and Spence is the boxer. But that doesn’t mean Crawford can’t win on points and Spence can’t score a ko. Both guys are all around fighters. Both guys can box and punch.

I think Ryan Garcia is very talented. What he lacks is situational seasoning and skill. I think Rolly Romero is raw but a big puncher with good instincts. Both are very marketable.

I disagree with Tony Week’s decision to stop the fight. 

Andy Cruz is an elite talent. I am very happy for Bozy Ennis. He’s been an excellent trainer for a long time. This is a great opportunity for him. Let’s see how Cruz progresses as a pro.

Some coaches contribute more than 30% to a fighter’s success. Some much lower. It depends on the fighter/coach relationship and it depends on what type of the fighter it is. And instinctual fighter who has natural conditioning can be coached by just about anyone. A fighter who needs grooming and cultivating and someone standing over them needs that type of coach. It really all depends. Their contribution you can’t really quantify. 

It’s very telling that Eddy Reynoso said that Ryan Garcia is difficult to train. That tells me a lot. Some fighters need a quiet gym with just them and their trainer and no one else. Distraction free. No phones. Just bags and pads. The best coaches I had in any sport were stern and demanding. They cared more about being my coach than being my friend. Friendship was extra. I’m not sure if Ryan would be open for that. And I’m not sure a coach would be willing to be overly stern to him out of fear of losing the pay day. Ryan has to ALLOW himself to be trained.

I think Boots Ennis is a supreme talent. But I don’t know if he will get the fights he needs. I don’t know if he’s going to get Barrios or Ugas. I think they will fight each other and Boots will have to wait on other opponents. Right now Ennis needs the right connections to get the BIG fights. He has the talent but connections are just as important.

I don’t know who Anthony Joshua will face. But I do think Deontay Wilder is all wrong for him at this moment. I actually think he matches up better with Tyson Fury than he does Deontay Wilder.

Caleb Plant vs Billy Joe Saunder? Saunders is retired as far as I know. So it’s not worth discussing a fight with a retired fighter.

Ssup Bread,

What as per you are the keys to victory for Haney and Lomachenko?

Regards, Saurabh

Bread’s Response: Loma has to break Haney’s jab. I think Haney has the best jab in boxing. Loma can’t be on the end of it for an extended period. It’s going to take a lot of will and determination along with skill. He has to get to the body and force Haney into exchanges. He has to force Haney into consistent violent exchanges on the inside and in the mid range. Last but not least he can’t get down too big, too early in rounds. And if he is down, he has to make Haney work for his success.

Haney has to establish his jab. Not be carried too fast. Not worry about the ko, worry about winning one round at a time. And last but not least keep Loma in front of him and not let Loma get off to the side of him. 

What in the hell is wrong with Ja Morant? I think he should be suspended indefinitely. Hi actions are detrimental to the team. What makes a talented player do such stupid things? Does this translate on the court and in all sports. He reminds me of Adrien Broner.

Bread’s Response: Interesting…….Let’s be fair. Ja Morant didn’t break the law. He shouldn’t be suspended indefinitely. I don’t know what the team or league by laws are about his specific conduct but I assume it’s not an indefinite suspension. I’m guessing 10-20 games and a fine. 

On the other hand I do think it translates on the court and in the locker room. Morant is immature and he’s the best player on his team. His team played immature when it counted. The poked the BEAR, without a sharp enough POKER. 

I like Adrien Broner so let’s leave him out of this. I’m sure he’s endured enough criticism on his own. Morant’s actions are Morant’s actions.

I will say something about Morant though. I think athletes who are God Blessed when it comes talent. Talent is a God Given thing by the way, associate themselves too much with being in the STEEETS. What they don’t know is, the guys who are REALLY in the streets making illegal money, envy them and they want to legitimize themselves. They don’t broadcast illegal activity because it sends you to jail. They keep it a secret. What the athletes also don’t know is, if the street guys had their talent they wouldn’t be in the streets. 

Ja Morant also needs leadership and a mentor. His father who is always seen has to step up as a father and nurture and protect his son from ruining his career. I don’t know his father to criticize him. But when you’re seen as much as he is and you get that type of attention because your son is in the NBA, then you it’s your responsibility to lead him back on the right path. He did a great job building him and giving him the resources to get to the NBA. Now he has to do a great job in keeping him in the NBA and keeping his career on track.

One more thing. Who are the people around Ja that are actually filming him on their phones? How do these screw ups become so public. That’s the first thing I thought when I read the news. Again!

Hello Breadman,                          

After watching the Rolly Barroso fight, it seems the fight was stopped premature. Barroso was fighting back. He did not take a knee. I think this was a bad stoppage. Compare this with the Janibek Butler fight, Butler was on wobbly legs after the first knockdown. this was the fight that should have been stopped. Butler’s Corner should have thrown in the towel. I have noticed for awhile now that bad scorecards, and bad stoppages almost always go against the B-Side fighter.

This just way to common to just be a mistake. Please weigh in on this. Also will Tim Tszyu get his Championship bout rescheduled with Jermell Charlo. I hope this bout happens. And do you consider David Benavidez the number one challenger for Canelo. Canelo is only thirty two. If Canelo won’t fight him, is this a duck. I think it has to be. I think Benavidez has earned his shot. He should not be made to fight other opponents. The politics of boxing, Canelo should fight Benavidez or be stripped, along with the Charlo Brothers.

Thank You


Bread’s Response: Bad Stoppages and Bad Scorecards are 90% a B side thing. It’s so predictable. It’s a shame. 

Yes David Benavidez is the #1 Challenger to Canelo. If Canelo fights anyone else at 168 before he fights Benavidez he should be stripped. If he moves up and fights a big fight at 175 then he can get an exemption. But he needs to fight Benavidez by the first quarter of 2024. 

Why should Jermell Charlo be stripped? He was injured. He signed to fight Tim Tszyu but got hurt. Lets see what he does after his injury heals. Charlo has fought some mandatories. No reason to strip him yet if he faces Tszyu next. 

Jermall Charlo has been inactive….. Carlos Adames has the interim belt. Two years without a title defense is a long time in any era. But Adames just won the interim title. So it hasn’t been long in terms of who the next champion should be. I think Jermall should be mandated to make a decision and give his next fight date. He seems like he’s not sure if he wants to move to 168 or stay at 160. That’s fair to all parties including Charlo. Lets see what happens…

Send Questions to dabreadman25@hotmail.com

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